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American Canoe Association Adaptive Paddling Program
Address: 1340 Central Park Blvd, Suite 210
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
Outside Florida County
Description: The APP works one-on-one with paddlers and would-be paddlers to suggest specific resources including adaptations to meet their needs and instruction sites in their local area.
Contact: Jeremy, Oyen
540-907-4460 (phone)
xxx-xxx-xxxx (Fax)
Activities: Water sports, Other

The Florida Disabled Outdoor Association's listing of recreation services does not constitute an endorsement of any program, service, product, event or destination. This database is for information and referral purposes only. By using this resource, the user agrees not to hold the FDOA liable for problems that may occur.

Funded in part by:
Brain & Spinal Cord Injury Program