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Welcome to the FDOA Recreation Resource Database.
Safe Checkin
Address: 6015 S. Virginia Street Suite E452
Reno, Nevada 89502
Description: SafeCheckIn is a service that allows individuals to "checkout" when they leave home to hike, ski, bike, go on road trips, dates or any activity that takes them away from home for a period of time. Members enter in where they are going and when they are expected to arrive back. After the member has arrived safely back from their activity, they email or text message SafeCheckIn to "check back in".
Contact: 866-516-6784 (phone)
319-937-3572 (Fax)
Activities: Other

The Florida Disabled Outdoor Association's listing of recreation services does not constitute an endorsement of any program, service, product, event or destination. This database is for information and referral purposes only. By using this resource, the user agrees not to hold the FDOA liable for problems that may occur.

Funded in part by:
Brain & Spinal Cord Injury Program