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Welcome to the FDOA Recreation Resource Database.
Magic Wheels
Address: 3837 13 th Avenue West Suite #104
Seattle, Washington 98119
Description: The 2-gear wheelchair drive allows you to climb with ease on steep hills, roads or paths.
Cost $5,000 and up
Contact: 866-624-4294 (phone)
(206) 282-0765 (Fax)
Activities: Camping, Hiking, Picnics/Cookouts, Camping

The Florida Disabled Outdoor Association's listing of recreation services does not constitute an endorsement of any program, service, product, event or destination. This database is for information and referral purposes only. By using this resource, the user agrees not to hold the FDOA liable for problems that may occur.

Funded in part by:
Brain & Spinal Cord Injury Program